Laser Hair Removal Sideburns: Permanent Removal

Many struggle with unwanted facial hair. There are many methods to remove unwanted facial hair that are expensive and require maintenance. Many turn to laser hair removal as a permanent and effective method to remove sideburns. While laser hair removal sideburns procedures often require several sessions and can be a slightly painful process, the results are often permanent and lead to years of no unwanted facial hair. Is a laser hair removal sideburns procedure the right method of hair removal for you? Continue reading for more information on this procedure. 

Is it Safe to Laser Sideburns?

laser hair removal sideburnsIs it safe to laser sideburns? While the thought of using a laser against your skin can be intimidating, the laser does not actually target your skin, but rather targets the hair follicle directly. More specifically, the laser targets the melanin inside the hair. Thus, laser hair removal can be less effective on those with very light or blonde hair. For darker hair, laser hair removal can be very effective for the removal of sideburns.

Different lasers can be used for better results on different types and colors of hair.  Your laser hair removal provider will evaluate the texture and color of your hair to determine what laser will work best for you. When the laser treats the hair, the hair follicle is destroyed by the laser so the hair cannot grow back. 

Some may experience minor irritation after a laser hair removal sideburns treatment but most find the treated area to heal without any major issues. Doctors recommend avoiding exposure to sunlight before and after this laser hair removal procedure in order to prevent the skin from lightening from the process. This is one of the reasons why fall and winter are the best times of year to receive laser treatment. As long as you avoid sun exposure, the risk of this is minor, although there is an increased risk if your skin and hair color are very similar. 

Laser hair removal can be slightly painful but numbing creams may help. 

Overall, there are minor risks to laser hair removal for sideburns and it is generally considered a safe procedure. As long as you stay out of the sun and follow any care instructions for the area, there is a very small chance of any complications arising.

How Do You Get Rid of Sideburns Permanently?

laser hair removal sideburnsThere are many methods to temporarily remove sideburns, such as hair removal creams and threading. Many are dissatisfied with the maintenance of these procedures and seek a permanent solution to remove sideburns. Laser hair removal is the most effective method to permanently remove sideburns. 

Within an average of four to six treatments, most patients will see a drastic decrease in their hair after the laser hair removal procedure. Many will see up to a 95 percent decrease in the amount of hair. Laser hair removal procedures can save patients years of frustration, time, and money that could be spent trying to remove sideburns through other temporary methods. 

What Are Laser Hair Removal Side Effects?

While laser hair removal is a generally safe procedure and many experience no side effects, there are potential risks and side effects to laser hair removal. The most common side effects and risks are as follows:

Swelling: The hair follicles of the treated area can become swollen, leading to sensitive and irritated skin. While swelling is common, it will generally subside within a few days of treatment.

Redness: While laser hair removal is a minor procedure, the hair follicles do become irritated from the destruction of the hair. It is normal for skin to appear slightly red after laser hair removal. Similar to swelling, the redness will likely fade as the area heals in the days following treatment.

Temporary irritation: The skin may create scabs or blisters as the healing process is underway. Excessive irritation may indicate that your skin is too sensitive for laser hair removal but most of the time, any excessive irritation from laser hair removal will heal in the days following the treatment. If the scabs or blisters become worse or more painful as time passes, there is a chance that the skin has become infected.

Infection: Laser hair removal does create a minor wound within the hair follicle. Any open wound on the skin has the possibility of becoming infected. While infection after laser hair removal is uncommon, it is possible if the treated area is exposed to bad bacteria. If you suspect an infection in your treated area, consult with your provider immediately. 

Pigment changes: Changes in the pigment of the skin is a relatively common risk of laser hair removal. It is especially common in those with darker skin. For those with darker skin, doctors must exercise extra caution and select a laser that is not too powerful to prevent causing pigment changes in skin. If you have darker skin, consult with your doctor when receiving a laser hair removal procedure to ensure that they are taking extra precautions to prevent causing damage to your skin. 

Additionally, it is important to note that using tanning beds or self tanner can decrease the effectiveness of laser skin treatments. It is best to receive a laser hair removal procedure when the skin has not been tanned, artificially or with natural light. 


Does full face laser hair removal include sideburns?

Most full face laser hair removal includes sideburns. While it may vary depending on which provider you select, most standard full face laser hair removal procedures include your forehead, nose, cheeks, upper lip, chin, and sideburns. It is also possible to treat solely the sideburn area as well. 

Consult with your provider to determine what laser hair removal package works best for your specific needs and desired outcome. 

Do I have to shave my sideburns before laser?

You may be asking, “do I have to shave my sideburns before laser?” To answer, it is highly recommended to shave your sideburns before receiving a laser hair removal sideburns procedure. Shaving is recommended because it leaves the perfect amount of hair for the laser to be able to safely and effectively destroy the hair follicle.

Some may think that the best option is to leave the hair natural so there is more hair for the laser to grasp onto. However, this is not the case. If the hair is too long, the laser will have more difficulty reaching the hair follicle. Additionally, if the hair follicle is too long, the laser hair removal procedure is less safe. If the hair follicle is too long, the laser could burn you. 

Some, after learning this, think that they should wax in order to remove the hair completely so the laser can reach the base of the hair follicle. However, this is also not the case. The laser destroys the melanin in the hair in order to destroy the hair follicle. If there is no hair, the laser will have nothing to destroy. 

This is why it is important to refrain from plucking or waxing any hair throughout the laser hair removal process, even in between treatments. If the hair has been plucked, the laser will not be able to destroy the hair follicle and the hair will still grow back.

Thus, shaving is the best way to prepare for laser hair removal. Shaving leaves the perfect amount of hair for a laser hair removal treatment to be effective. There is enough hair for the laser to successfully destroy the hair follicle while still preventing you from being burned if the hair has grown too long. 

Is stubble OK for laser hair removal?

Stubble is generally not recommended for laser hair removal. Even the smallest amount of regrowth in the hair can lead to an increased risk of burning and irritation and lower the effectiveness of the laser hair removal procedure. 

It is best to shave 24 hours before your laser hair removal procedure. If you shave immediately before your laser hair removal procedure, there is a chance that you could irritate your skin or leave minor cuts in the skin that could increase swelling and irritation during the healing process.

However, shaving too far in advance can allow too much time for regrowth and stubble, which can also cause complications in the laser hair removal process. 24 hours is the perfect amount of time to prevent any regrowth while also ensuring that your skin is healed for the laser hair removal procedure. 

Laser Hair Removal Sideburns: Final Thoughts

Laser hair removal can be a safe, effective, and permanent solution for those looking to remove their sideburns. There are some risks to receiving a laser hair removal sideburns procedure, including changes in pigment, irritation, and swelling. These risks can be reduced by staying out of the sun before treatment, shaving 24 hours before treatment, and selecting a reputable laser hair removal provider that considers your individual skin and hair type. 

Overall, those who are frustrated with the constant maintenance and cost of other temporary hair removal solutions may find that a laser hair removal sideburns treatment is exactly the effective and permanent solution they are seeking. Some may even consider removing hair with an at-home laser treatment.